How To Transition Your Wardrobe From Fall To Winter

With winter arriving soon, it means it’s time to prepare your wardrobe for the cold months ahead. Transitioning from one to another is not as difficult as it seems with these four steps: 

#1 Repurpose Your Fall & Summer Clothes for Winter 
With fall slowly disappearing, that doesn’t mean that you have to get rid of all your clothes. In fact, you can repurpose your clothing to get more wear out of them. Assess your wardrobe and take stock of any boutique fashion you can use (shirts, t-shirts, skirts) and inventory those that you don’t (shorts). Keep the clothing that you can use again on the side, and when the time comes, you’ll know you’ll have them ready.  

#2 Take Inventory Of All Your Fall & Summer Clothes 
For those fall and summer clothes that are of no use to it, put them aside and make an inventory for them. Take note of all the clothing you have, including accessories, and anything that is part of the summer and fall fashion. With a full list, you can now store your items away and ensure that everything is well-stocked for next summer. 

#3 Make A List Of What Clothing You Need 

See what winter items you have and if you will use them in the coming months. In some cases, some clothing, like jackets, might be worn out, meaning they are no longer going to provide you with the cover you need. The same goes for shirts, sweaters, scarves and so forth. There is only one thing to do in this situation: make a list of all the stuff that you need and get it!

#4 Visit Boutique Stores For Your New Winter Clothing 

With so many boutique fashion stores available to you, you will always have the chance to find something that you want for winter. The trick is to take your time and search around to find what you want. Go for value, look for bargains and go to boutique fashion stores that offer a wide range of both local and big brand items. 

At Melrose & Co, we are committed to providing you with stylish and affordable fashion. With unique designs that make you stand out from the rest, there is no other store where you can enjoy the benefits of style and price. We pride ourselves on being the perfect store where you can pick up everything you need. Whether you want to pay us a direct visit or want us to deliver products right to your front door, our team will do it for you. Don’t miss out on the chance to look stunning every single day of the week! Feel free to visit us at #101 209 Centre Ave SW, Airdrie or contact us at [email protected] or on 403 948 0010.